Tone Generator with Filtered Probe RJ11PRO3000F50-KIT

PRO3000F50-KIT - Tone Generator with Filtered Probe RJ11

Producător:Fluke Networks

Tone Generator with Filtered Probe RJ11

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PRO3000F50-KIT - Tone Generator with Filtered Probe RJ11

Producător:Fluke Networks

Specificaţii produs
Cable Continuity Tester 
Tone Generator 
1x 9 V 

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Informații despre produs

Informaţii despre familie

Utilizes innovative filter technology to obstruct signal interference to make tracing your cable easier, regardless of the work environment.

Innovative filtered probe obstructs signal of 50 Hz external interference.

Switch between filtered and unfiltered modes with one button press.

Tone and trace wire on non-active networks.

Auto-off capability extends battery life.

Loudspeaker also allows for use in noisy locations and for tracing cable through drywall, wood and other enclosures.

  • SmartTone™ technology provides five distinct tones for exact pair identification
  • Sends loud tone up to 10 miles (16 kilometers) on most cables
  • Line cord features angled bed-of-nails clips and a rugged RJ-11 plug for direct access to phone and data jacks without adapters
  • External switch allows selection of solid or alternating tone options, indicated with solid or flashing LEDs
  • Continuity Testing
  • Line polarity confirmation

Legislație și conformitate

Regulamentul REACH

Informație adițională

Ţara de origine Malaysia (MY)
Producător Fluke Networks
Greutate brută (incl. pachet) 524 Gram
Dimensiuni (incl. pachet) 276 x 146 x 63 MM
Număr de vamă 9030400000
UNSPSC (v5.03) 41113702
EAN 754082146018